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Bizzong! The Weird and Wacky Fiction Podcast

Bizzong! The Weird and Wacky Fiction Podcast talks to everyone who is anyone that writes strange and offbeat stories. Bizzong! aims to be a resource to those interested in reading and writing in the genres. Our interviews are conversational, informative and entertaining. So if you feel like the weird kid on your block, press play and discover a wacky world of writers who are just like you.

Nov 28, 2016

It's Bizzong! The BizarroCon hangover helper. This week Zongers, the cure I've come up with is wholesome, gluten-free and contains no BPA platic... The human explosion known as John Wayne Comunale!

John Wayne has erupted onto the Bizarro scene with THREE books this year, including one of this year's new collection of...

Nov 21, 2016

Have you begun recovering the BizarroCon 2016? Bizzong! has the perfect interview to help you recover. Mr. Kent Hill joins us once again to talk about two new books and a podcast he is doing.

Cheers, Zongers! Enjoy and welcome back to the real world, sorry!

Nov 14, 2016

Something a bit different but uniquely cool for you find Zongers this week, Opehelia Darkly and Davey Cadaver have combined art and literature to create a unique reading experience, COFFEE MONSTERS. We discuss Davey Cadaver's artwork and inspirations and discuss with Ophelia Darkly how she is inspired by Davey's artwork...

Nov 7, 2016

Hey Zongers, time to get aquainted with Barrio Bizarro with this weeks guest, Gabino Iglesias. Gabino has a very unique voice in the community and Bizzong took the opportunity to delve into what makes him tick.

Gabino is also one of the finalist for the Wonderland Book of the Year award at BizarroCon. His book...