Mar 26, 2018
Mazel Tov Zongers! I hope you've all brought your Kosher salt because we are going to get cooking this week with Maxwell Bauman and his ANARCHIST KOSHER COOKBOOK from Clash Books.
Listen as we learn all about the history of Jewish horror and how Maxwell has taken it and shaped it into something bizarre and unique to...
Mar 19, 2018
What is a Satoshi you ask? Well if you don't know, check out the podcast Unreasonably Handsome, co-hosted with this week's guest, Michael Allen Rose.
Michael is an artist, author and entertainer (and that's only scratching the surface). He returns to Bizzong to talk about his latest and upcoming books as well as...
Mar 12, 2018
Welcome back to Bizzong! When we last left Jeff Burk, author and head editor of Deadite Press, he was on a pair of water skis while still sporting his trademark denim jacket. He was also about to hit a ski jump ramp that would send him sailing perilously over a tank filled with man eating sharks. And they're hungry!
Mar 5, 2018
Bizzong is doing something not done before in its history. We are launching a two part interview Zongers! And who else would be the cause of a two part interview, none other than Jeff Burk, author of Shatnerquake, head editor at Deadite Press and The Great Orator of the West.
In part one Jeff tackles his new book,...